Adjustable Beds to Relieve Your Back Pain


Back Pain

Adjustable beds by their very existence as mechanical marvels of design and function are perfectly adapted to alleviate many different symptoms associated with varied conditions that lead to back pain. If you suffer from lower back pain, your condition may be the result of a multitude of causes, many of which the sufferer has no clue as to how they got them in the first place.

Back Pain

The causes associated with back pain include muscle spasm or sprains, ligament sprains, joint problems or a slipped disk. Actual physical disability from instances such as work related accidents are another well-known cause of back pain. In all these instances, an adjustable bed can help alleviate your sore aching back. Why can an adjustable bed help you? You do not have to take my word for it. I am not a medical expert. But I do know how to quote them.

Adjustable Beds

Through my research, I have found that medical experts advise that the best way to ease back pain is to position yourself with your back on the floor, with pillows under your knees, hips and knees bent, with your feet raised on a chair. Now imagine yourself in that position. Looks rather awkward, doesn’t it. Can you imagine doing this every time your back begins to act up? Now imagine yourself, if you can, in an adjustable bed perfectly aligned to provide the same comforting relief. Looks a lot better on an adjustable bed than on the floor, doesn’t it?

There are other tips from medical advisors on relieving back pain. Heating pads are recommended to relax painful muscle spasms and medications such as Motrin, Aleve, Aspirin, Orudis and Tylenol, also reduce pain and swelling. Once again, an adjustable bed can help you!

Adjustable Beds

Some adjustable beds, more notably electric adjustable beds, come equipped with soothing heating units built in. Some electric adjustable beds even have a vibrating feature to massage away that nagging sore back. As far as any relief you may get from taking medications, the adjustable bed manufacturers haven’t come up with anything to replace them yet. You will just have to place them on your night table next to your adjustable bed.

Adjustable beds come in a multitude of different shapes and sizes, models and types to fit most any budget. There are basic, hand operated adjustable beds, basic electric adjustable beds that elevate and configure themselves at the push of a button on a remote control unit, to the top of the line, everything you could ever want in an adjustable bed, electric adjustable bed. This type of electric adjustable bed will have all the bells and whistles and awe inspiring electronic gizmos, but will also carry a hefty price tag. But if you can afford it, go for it. After all, it’s your back that’s hurting.

Back Pain

For more serious back conditions as in the case of a person with a debilitating physical impairment, getting a hospital adjustable bed would be advisable. These adjustable beds are constructed far more sturdily in order to continual use in an acute care situation. If you find that an adjustable bed is just a little too pricy for you, there is an alternative and I don’t mean lying on the floor with your feet propped up on a chair.

If the price of the adjustable beds you like is out of your reach, you can always look for a good, used, cheap adjustable bed. I wont go into the details of how to get your hands on one of these cheap adjustable beds, other than to say that there are articles available that go into the specifics. Getting a good, used adjustable bed at a good price is not as hard as you may think.

One thing to remember, regardless of which adjustable bed you finally decide to buy, you will need a new adjustable bed mattress to go along with it. A mattress from an average flat bed will not fit or function properly on an adjustable bed. Just as with adjustable beds, there are varying degrees of quality, materials and prices associated with adjustable bed mattresses.

So, in closing, I say, let the shopping begin. You’ll only have your back to thank you, but it will be well worth it.

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